Thursday, March 8, 2012

It's Like Losing Your Virginity

I had a friend of mine suggest starting a blog, oh gosh, probably over a year ago or more. I thought about it and then really just got busy with life. Every now and then, the thought crossed my mind but I just never acted on it. With Lila Faye getting so big and our second on the way now, I thought, maybe it's time. We have a lot of family that are not on a social network and I don't want them to miss out on any pictures or what is happening in our life. There is just too much funny shit that happens in our lives, especially now with a kiddo, to not write these things down.

 This feels kind of like the first time you, you know, do the deed. You are not quite sure what to do, what to expect, and what your partner (you the reader) will think. I have always admired others that can pour themselves out completely into their writing. I have another friend who has been blogging a long time about her family and her page is so cute! I'm sure with time I'll add some bling to mine! This blog will probably be relatively light-hearted (most of the time) and will probably refer to my close friends and family quite often. I want to share stories about my life, recipes that we love (my husband graduated from culinary school so I feel REALLY lucky), exercises to work OFF those recipes, places to travel, illnesses,  frustrations, success and failure, and other events that take place in our life.

P.S. Sorry Mom, but there will be use of profanity. I know you won't like it but this is just fair warning. You did raise me right by the way!!

You may be wondering why I chose the name, "Bad JuJu Beans and Other Life Stories". Well, one of my best friend's and I were having a conversation the other night and basically it boiled down to how our lives seem to fall apart simultaneously and maybe we should not be friends because of her bad juju. She thinks she brings bad juju on me and I told her 'That is crazy. I have had bad juju my entire life.' I think this is one reason that we can laugh and cry together as friends. I know this is why we are as strong as we are and can deal with any situation that comes our way. I have had such a roller coaster life that all I can do is pour a glass of wine, cry about it, and then laugh over it.  How boring life would be if we did not have challenges every day! I don't remember when it happened for me, but I think one day, I woke up and just realized that bad things happen and there is nothing we can do about it. It is all in a "plan" that is much greater than each of us.  So this is the name I chose because let's face it, shit happens and what can you do but just laugh about it in the long run and keep on trucking!

A Little Background History

I'll really get into our life soon and how we ended up in North Dakota soon but this is just to give you my family info. Andy is my husband and I saw a quote somewhere (probably Pinterest, as I am obsessed with it) that best describes how I feel about him. It basically said something to the effect of, 'You don't need someone to complete you, you need someone to love you completely'. Andy loves me completely for the weird, geeky, silly, a little bit OCD, temper, and caring person that I am. Our lives married together in a little town called Ruston, Louisiana. Neither of us are from there but we both went to college there. We met in 2000, but never actually dated until 2005. Eight months later and much to the dismay of our friends and family, we married on August 14, 2006. God then blessed us with our little Valentine's Day surprise, Lila Faye, on November 9, 2009. And now we have a little New Year's surprise that will be due around September 25th.

We are so lucky and have the BEST family. I'll start with Andy's side of the family.

Andy's mom, Jerri, is so supportive and caring. She has taken us in to her home numerous times and I imagine it will happen again before it is all said and done. Aka Mam-Maw, is really special and we are also very close. I don't think many daughter-in-law's can say they are as lucky as me. She has become a second mom to me and a best friend. Andy's mom and dad were separated before he was born and  he visited him throughout childhood. Mac, his dad, married Joyce, who is a wonderful soul. Andy's dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's several years ago and it has progressed very rapidly. He is just a shell of his former self, and I would have loved to have known him. In all the pictures, he and Andy share the same smile, and I believe, he might have been a bit of a ladies' man (like my hubby!). I am sure we would have had a good time teasing each other! Joyce has taken care of Mac the entire time and now has her sons' to also help her, which is a blessing. The Marlette's are a very lively bunch, and I can tell they have a lot of love for each other. Andy also has two half sister's, Laurie and Jennifer. There is a ten year gap between Andy and them, so I really enjoy the stories that they share about harassing Andy as a child and Andy's take on things when they might have been up to no good (especially Laurie, there are some really good stories). Laurie is married to Uncle Brian and they have a daughter, Chloe. One of my favorite things about Chloe is how she calls Lila Faye, Lila Faith...always has. That will be her little pet name from Chloe! Jennifer is married to Uncle Steve and they have 4 children, Adam, Katie, Emily, and their newest addition, Allison. There is a pretty big age gap between Allison and the others, so I am excited to hear about the fun stories she'll have growing up. They live in Georgia and I sure wish we could see them more often. They all grow way too much between visits!

On my side, my parents are Mike and Patsy, aka Pops and Nonna. I think the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of them is "Wow!". For being married almost 37 years, they have really been through so much. I hope and pray Andy and I can remain as strong as they are. My mom was diagnos`ed with cancer at 40 (more on that later) and has battled it to this day. My dad has missed maybe 2 or 3 of her appointments the entire time! So admirable and really they are such wonderful grandparents. Lila Faye is still the only girl (which I kind of like - I know, selfish of me) and she sure does love her Pops and Nonna. Really, when it comes to grandparent love, Lila Faye is one lucky kid. All the grandparents are always going above and beyond to show their love for her.  I have an older sister, Beth aka Aunt Boo, who is married to Uncle Neil. They have two boys, Ben and Cole. Lila Faye LOVES baby Cole. Ben was basically chopped liver when he showed up. Sorry buddy, she still loves you too, but she really loves baby Cole! My sister and I were not so close growing up, but we are today. I am sure it had a lot to do with puberty on both of our parts but there was a little while that I think there was a mutual hatred for each other. Thank goodness we grow up! I have a younger brother, Gene aka Uncle Bean, and he is married to Auntie Dessa (Adessa). My brother grew up to be so much more than I could have ever imagined. He was just promoted to Captain in the USAF this past month and has really done well for himself. I could not be more proud of the annoying little terd that used to drive me crazy growing up. We were either thick as thieves or wanted to kill each other. I think that our poor dear sister was tortured unnecessarily many times due to our shenanigans.  We remain very close and he is my go to guy for any comic or sci-fi movie.

I feel so blessed to have this life and hope you enjoy reading my blog. My mom just told me the other day that I should get back to work on my writing while I have some down time, and I really forget how much I enjoy it...this makes me that much more motivated to finish my book!

WE LOVE PICTURES IN THIS FAMILY SO GET READY (And I'm hoping for a new fancy camera for my big 30 next month!!!!)

Some friends came over and cooked dinner for us one evening...this is the bag of flour they brought.


  One of my favorite kids, Sweetface, as I like to call him. His mommy always has a good story about him when we talk. He is quite entertaining, this one.

 What you can't see in this picture is our old cat, Felix, on the other side of the door. I like to think that Brutus, our boxer and Lila Faye (about 6 months here) are taunting him with a "nah nah nah na nah nah, you can't come in-n".

My husband secretly wants to be an actor. I think that says enough about this picture.

Nonna holding Lila Faye around six months.